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Notebook and Keyboard


Our auditing and quality assurance services will help you meet your legal needs. Whether your compliance journey is in the beginning stages of organising evidence and actions, or the later stages of digital transformation, we will tailor improvement opportunities to you.

Adjustable Wrench


ChangeIt management systems are integrated, sustainable, easy to maintain, and significant value for money. We develop systems for health and safety, environment, quality, and information. You can trust us to deliver the best processes and systems for your workplace.



At ChangeIt we recommend sustainable solutions. We understand environmental data, and provide meaningful analysis. If you need an environmental plan or compliance program for air quality, noise, or water, we can help you meet state government and federal legislation. 




ChangeIt manages Return To Work plans for injured employees. We manage incidents with investigations. Our team specialises in targeted programs and management and control plans e.g. emergency preparedness, permits, observations, manual handling, audits, ergonomics, inductions, hazard identification, and behavioural based safety.

Light Bulb


Our team members think broadly to provide expert ERM advice and business analytics.
Engage us for a SWOT analysis, to examine your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You may need a risk assessment conducted and a risk registry developed. At ChangeIt we value-add for our clients by developing strategy and planning.



Come to us when you need to solve communication problems or develop training strategies. We analyse how change will impact your people, processes, and systems. We undertake stakeholder analysis, and design communications plans that consider your specific audiences and methods of delivery.


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